Bridget Kathleen (Kay) Gilderdale Court case: Lewes Combined Court: Media coverage: 3

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Bridget Kathleen (Kay) Gilderdale Court case: Lewes Combined Court: Media coverage: 3

Shortlink:           Gilderdale case archive on ME agenda

Dr Macintyre and the Gilderdale family discuss ME


Telegraph  |  20 January 2010

Mother researched suicide on Google before daughter’s death

Times  |  20 January 2010

Kay Gilderdale trawled net for euthanasia after daughter’s morphine overdose

Sussex Argus   |  20 January 2010

Mum accused of trying to kill ME sufferer daughter “had researched suicide methods”

Rye & Battle Observer  |  20 January 2010

Accused mother ‘researched suicide methods’

Yorkshire Evening Post  |  20 January 2010

Accused mother ‘researched suicide methods’

Readers may find these reports distressing

National News links

Times  |  Steve Bird  |  20 January 2009

Father of ME victim Lynn Gilderdale defends former wife

The father of a severely ill woman who killed herself after being given drugs by her mother today defended his former wife and insisted that she was not capable of murder.

Richard Gilderdale, a retired police officer, sobbed in court as he told how Kay Gilderdale had “protected him” from prosecution after their daughter, Lynn, 31, repeatedly told them that her life was too “wretched” and she wanted to die…

Read full article here

Sidney Morning Herald  |  Sandra Laville  |  20 January 2010 

LONDON: A ”devoted mother” who found her desperately ill daughter trying to kill herself spent 28 hours administering a cocktail of lethal drugs to her after failing to convince her to go on living, a court has heard.

Read full article here

London Evening Standard  | Paul Cheston Court Correspondent  | 19 January 2010 

Father: ME daughter was determined to end her life

Former police officer Richard Gilderdale said the illness had robbed his daughter of any quality of life. Describing her as his “best friend”, Mr Gilderdale said the cumulative effects of ME over the course of 17 years led her to describe her body as “broken”. He said that during those years he and his former wife, Bridget Kathleen Gilderdale, known as Kay, gave unwavering support for their daughter right up until her death in December 2008.

Read full article here

Also Sun 18 January 2010


Click here for all previous coverage of the Gilderdale family’s case. The 24 postings are archived in reverse date order: Gilderdale case archive on ME agenda